Install Software Note: MSR605/MSR606 need to install USB driver first, other models need not.
Welcome to be our partner or reseller, please email us if any questions: Windows quick start.
You can search many vedios on youtube for how to use the machine.
Please download the “EasyMSR” app from google play or app store if you want to use the bluetooth encoder on mobile/Tablet.
Please recharge the machine via usb recharger(as same as mobile recharger) or computer more than one hour before you use it the first time, if you are using MSR605X/MSR X6/MSR X6BT.
The software CD is small one, please check the photo.
The software CD coming with original package for each one, if it or can’t work because that any country’s custom hold itor damage shipment, you can download the latest version free from here:.